Wednesday, 27 January 2016

13. Yo bitches. It’s me – Molly Mushroom. How the bloody hell are you? I have a new strategy in life that I have only just started and it is this. I have three things that I ask myself in the morning and by the end of the day I answer them. I call it Molly’s Power of Three. They consist of:

1.What I found funny?

2.What I found inspirational?

3.What I learnt?

I then write them down in a queer little book my Great Aunt Brenda gave me and keep it tucked away in my knicker drawer as I know that is the only place my tramp of a sister, Morag, daren’t go. One day I think I will publish them as some of the things I get to see and hear would make a whore blush.
Last night I had the misfortune of meeting Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory at the annual Clap Clinic award ceremony where my friend, Germalina the Germ, won best spreader.This man is a  filthy toad, an imposter and resembles none of the  characteristics of the man you see on the programme. He is a complete fiend and one that I do not want to encounter again. He battered his eyelashes at me, flashed his bottom and then did the aeroplane. He then practically assaulted me while trying to get a photograph  which I reluctantly  took part in. If you look below I think you can tell that I was not happy.
I only received one email this week from a wonderful and brave young man so without further a poo…

Dear Molly Mushroom, please help. I am a young heterosexual man. I have noticed that over the past year I have developed a problem with eating. I am obsessed with my weight and constantly weighing myself worrying whether I have put any on. I have found myself purging at least twice a day getting rid of food that I have gorged myself on. I am aware that I have some kind of problem but find it difficult to accept it. I am writing this in a somewhat numb state of mind because I do not want to acknowledge it but know something needs to be done. I am obsessed with being able to get my fist under my ribs and feeling my collar bone to see how bony it is. Please help, Anon 19 years old.

 Dear Anon, thank you so much for contacting me and opening up about an issue that you find difficult to acknowledge. It can be very difficult for a young man to accept that he has an eating disorder and even more difficult to tell anyone. However, with drastic and quick weight loss your nearest and dearest may start to suspect there may be a problem.

What you are telling me is that you consider yourself to have an eating disorder and from what you have said it sounds like bulimia. By contacting me and opening up about your fears you have begun the process of working through it, so well done.

Bulimia nervosa can be life-threatening disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting or other purging methods. These include laxatives, excessive exercise and fasting to prevent weight gain. It sounds to me that you are intensely afraid of gaining weight and dissatisfied with your body and appearance. This is a very delicate matter and I do not want to say that you do have bulimia, however I may suggest that you need to be very careful becoming so obsessed with losing weight and purging. The behaviour you are displaying to me suggests that you should contact your GP and explain the situation.

You may find that CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is beneficial and is the most widely used model of practice for people with eating disorders. This can also support you with your obsessional behaviour and how to deal with situations you find difficult.


Above I stated that bulimia is a life threatening condition. People who suffer with bulimia find that they suffer with these side-effects from purging/making themselves sick. They include teeth becoming soft and crumbly due to the stomach acid wearing away the enamel, problems with the esophagus (the tube which connects the mouth to the stomach) bad breath, hair loss, irregular heartbeat, constipation, fatigue and osteoporosis amongst many other problems associated with bulimia. What you are doing is denying your body of essential nutrients. It is easy for someone to say to the abuser the harm they are doing to their body but very different for the self-harmer to

Bulimia can be a way of control when other things in your life are going wayward. Is this happening to you? Can you find a pattern to your purging. Are there specific times or occasions when you are sick? Is there a feeling of power you get after doing it? If this is so then it could be a way for you to take control over your life where other parts of you feel powerless? Do you suffer with low self-esteem or have comments been made to you by important persons in your life when you were younger influencing your mental state of mind?

I do recommend you find someone to talk to about this issue as it can become incredibly dangerous even ending in death.

Here are some websites below who you can contact. I wish you all the best and hope that you seek help. Love Molly X

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

12. Hello, howdy, good day and now fuck off. Oh I’m only teasing. I love to hear from you and all your funny problems. Some I can relate to and others are just off the wall. I love it! What an extraordinary week I have had. I was thrilled to hear about Friends reuniting for a one off special and was even more thrilled to be asked to take Matthew Perry's character, Chandler, as he has been incinerated. If you look closely at the photo I posted on Instagram and Twitter you will see that it is in fact me, Molly Mushroom, dressed up as him and not Chandler, himself. The magic of makeup! (I am on the far right by the way.) I was asked why Courtney Cox had a needle sticking out her forehead in the picture and all I can say is that it is none of our business.
I have desperately exciting news to tell you. I am thrilled to announce that I have finally got the hang of how to do a selfie. If you compare the two pictures below you can see the difference immediately. I am proud to say that I can now, like every teenage girl in the world, resemble a stunned trout.

First attempt.      When I decided to join a dating agency.                                                                                                               
My hundreth attempt. Cool hey!

Molly, hello, how are you? I just wanted to write to you and let you know that I am a big fan. You’re cool! I was just wondering if you have any good jokes? Steve, Plymouth

What did saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? ‘If we don't get some support soon people are going to think we’re nuts.’ Love Molly X

Dear Molly, I have just recently had some good luck and sold some of my paintings in an exhibition. I am thrilled with this as I have never sold anything before. The problem is this: I have a couple of friends who, although said they are happy, keep making snide and subtle comments suggesting that my paintings are not that good. They are also artists and do have some luck in selling their work but not a great deal. I’m feeling a bit deflated now as I feel like I deserve some good luck but sad that my friends are behaving like this towards me. What have I done? Gill, Farnborough.

 Hi Gill and thank you for your email. It does seem to me that the green eyed monster has reared its ugly head and manipulated your friends feelings into that of resentment. To put it another way, I believe that it should have been your friends who emailed me to work out where their jealousy stems from and for me to give them a bollocking for their behaviour towards you. Success does funny things to people when they are the ones who do not get it. Not everyone takes it well. Things like this happen all the time in every circumstance: A friend gets a promotion, a friend has success in their business, a friend falls pregnant, a friend has amazing sex and multiple orgasms: the list goes on. Sadly people will always try and put you down and ruin it for you IF YOU LET THEM! Luckily, for you, as you seem like an intelligent person, you will not let this happen, recognise that it is them with an issue and wonder if you really want people in your life who fail to be happy with your wonderful and earned success. People do not like others to have what they cannot. Sad fact of life.

What I picked up on here was that you said ‘luck’. Why was it luck that you sold those paintings? You are suggesting that they were not sold on the merit that they are bloody brilliant and would be fought over in an auction. Your talent and you selling your work boils down to this: You are talented and people want to buy your work. Yes you were in the right place at the right time, but positivity and belief in yourself goes a long way. Love Molly X


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

11. Hi all, Molly Mushroom here alive and well sitting in a lovely London café on Tottenham Court Road swinging my little bubble like legs to and fro on the countertop. One of the employers thought they were marshmallows and was just about to drop me into a hot chocolate when I screamed and bit him. Imbecile!

I have just received a short story from my creator, J.E. Hanley, via email, who thought it was a good idea to print it on my site, the cheeky bastard! Personally I think it is totally ridiculous and crap and I should jolly well tell him so and to also stop cashing in on my popularity! Anyway, here it is. Do feel free to comment. The worse feedback the better!
Molly Mushroom and the Fairground by J.E. Hanley
Molly awoke and flew out the house forgetting to get dressed. When realising what state she was in she dawdled back, threw on her polka dot dress and then flew out the house again. Molly was incredibly excited as the fairground was coming and she wanted to tell her friend, Germalina, the news.
  The last time the fairground came to the woods Molly went on every single ride twice and was sick each time. What a hoot! It hadn’t helped that she had eaten seventeen hotdogs and fifty two toffee apples before each ride, the greedy little mushroom.
Germalina was busy giving herself some light relief when she heard Molly stumbling down the lane. She quickly degreased her hand and hid under the bed. She put her fingers in her ears and fell asleep instantly. Two hours later she awoke to a big round face staring at her. Molly had snuck in, found Germalina asleep and waited patiently for her to wake.
  ‘The fairground is coming,’ Molly screeched loudly when seeing Germalina open her eyes.
Germalina screamed and pretended to fall back to sleep again. She waited another three hours before daring to open an eye and then scanned the room. She looked left and right hoping that Molly would get impatient and leave but the silly germ forgot to look up.
  ‘It’s coming,’ yelled Molly, looming over her friend. ‘The fairground is coming. Yippeee.’
  ‘Oh, hello,’ said Germalina. ‘I didn’t know you were here.’ She was annoyed as she had not finished flicking her bean and was feeling frustrated.
  'You've been asleep for hours,' Molly said, while skipping about the bedroom. 'I gave you a good poking but that still didn't wake you.'
  'Did you?' mumbled Germalina, readjusting her pants. 'I had no idea.
  ‘I am so excited,’ said Molly, spinning. ‘Wake up and get ready, we are going to the fairground.’
  ‘Oh drat,’ said Germalina, remembering the last time they went. It took over four trips to the laundrette to remove the stench after the occasion and a severe telling off from Mrs Germ.
  ‘I Know!’ screamed Molly, leaving a trail across the carpet. ‘I simply can’t wait.’
  That evening the fairground opened and Molly dragged Germalina and Penelope, her other friend, to the bright lights and dizzy rides.
  The three things ambled along the country lane following the sound of the Morris dancers masturbating. They turned a corner and there they all were beating away happily.
  What joy, the three little friends thought when they arrived at their destination after trying to ignore the lecherous old perverts and dodging the bullets. Oh what fun, and just listen to the offensive music being played. ‘Mo Fo, fat bitch, slutty homo whore,’ they chanted merrily. It was jolly good!
  A group of gnomes were hanging out by The Waltzers and were egging each other to chat up a gnomette they had seen. She was mighty ugly, with bad dandruff, a poor posture and a rotten fish hanging from her head. Her flange was peeping out and her face was fixed in a grimace as she was desperately trying to hold it in. Suddenly  a great gust of wind got the better of the situation and it suddenly flew out and slapped a gnome across the face.
At a nearby stall a couple of woodlice shouted in glee as they had finally won a stuffed flea, their joy heard for centimetres. On one rather thrilling ride a group of snails came off as slugs and at the same time a fight broke out between two fairies obviously a bit worse for wear. A fairy godmother tried to break it up but ended up getting kneed in the fanny.
  ‘Come on,’ screamed Molly to her friends as she stuffed herself with candyfloss. ‘Let’s go on the bumper cars.’
  So, reluctantly, they went on, Germalina and Penelope in one car and Molly in her own. Penelope's hair was so tall it reached the overhead electrical wires.
  When the ride started Molly pressed her foot down hard and the car jolted forward. Oh dear me, it threw poor little shroom out of the very car she was in and into the middle of the ride. And there she lay, face down on the floor, with the bumper cars whizzing around her. The other two were having so much fun they thought it would be even funnier if they drove over Molly, head first. So they aimed the car right at her and…thwap! Molly flew through the air at a hundred miles an hour and landed on top of a group of pixies. Molly picked herself up, brushed herself down and went to the nearest doughnut stand.
  Back on the bumper ride Penelope was driving so fast her hair caught on fire. 'Whooppppeeeeeee,' she screamed, flames going everywhere. She had a look of sheer madness about her as if she had been possessed by the devil. Luckily Germalina had jumped out of the car and infected a group of tourists with chlamydia.  Ooh how they itched.
  When Penelope came off the bumper cars, dizzy with excitement, her hair was little more than a burnt stump. It was still smouldering when she reached a group of snails who began to toast marshmallows on it, happily munching on the delicious goo. Penelope didn't mind and accepted graciously a marshmallow that had been cooked to perfection from a nearby ant. She then went to find Germalina and Molly.
  They spent the following happy hours being thrown about on the big dipper, whizzing round on the Waltzers and regularly cleaning themselves up after Molly’s ‘accidents’. Penelope was lucky enough to win a new hair piece at the Wig and Whistle stall and wore it with pride. Germalina was so jealous of it she spat in it whenever Penelope wasn’t looking.
  Finally, after they had spent most of their pennies, they walked happily through the fairground chatting and laughing as they went. They were unaware that the infamous Naughty Nighties were on a mission that night and had been following them for most of the evening, shocked and a little grossed out by the three friends’ antics.
  The Naughty Nighties were a gang led by Molly's sister, Morag, and were a force to deal with. Not only were they feared by the woodland folk but were also feared by Penelope and Germalina. How menacing they looked with their starched nightwear and stern faces. Morag wore a nighty so embroidered that it was covered with delicate yellow roses. They were a formidable force and not to be messed with.
  'Oi!' said Morag, menacingly. Penelope and Germalina turned around and gulped while Molly ate the remainder of the toffee apple. Penelope adjusted her wig as it slid off her head.
  ‘Awright,’ said Morag, and spun around making her nightie balloon out around her. Penelope and Germalina stood back as they did not want to mess with Morag when she was in this mood. Bad things could happen. Dangerous things.
  ‘Hello Morag,’ cried Molly and threw her arms around her sister. Penelope and Germalina gasped. Whatever was Morag going to do?
  The Naughty Nighties took a step forward and closed in on the three vulnerable friends.
  ‘Get them,’ shouted Morag. The three friends ran off as quick as Julian, Dick, George and Timmy would have done from the Famous Five leaving the ridiculous Anne behind to wash up and cry.
  ‘Quick, get on here,’ shouted Penelope to Germalina and Molly while pointing the ghost train. ‘Molly, stop it and climb in,’ she screamed, piling Molly’s backside into the carriage. The Naughty Nighties were close at heel now, shoving unsuspecting folk out of the way.
  ‘Get in,’ bellowed Morag to her gang as they raced towards the ghost train. ‘Those three are gonna get it.’ Morag clung on to the side of a car, her stumpy little legs kicking furiously.
  With the three friends crammed in one carriage and the gang squashed into the carriage behind the ghost train lunged forward and went through the doors in a blood curdling scream.
  ‘Whoopeeee,’ screamed Molly, excitedly. A giant hand grabbed her by her stool and she punched whatever it was hard in the face. Germalina cried out. Then some baby bees dressed as scary spiders buzzed around them whilst a real human skeleton swung from the rafters. On and on the ghost train went whilst more and more frightening things jumped out at them: Barry Manilow dressed as a baby and Madonna without make-up to name a few. One of the gang members was so afraid she ripped off her nightie and ate it. To be honest, considering she was a moth, she found it quite appetising. Another gang member hit out at what she thought was a ginger troll but was actually Molly’s reflection that had bounced off Kylie Minogue’s forehead.
  Kylie Minogue had been employed by the fairground and was settling into her new role. When she was punched in the face she  screamed and ran back into her shell refusing to come out again, losing a whole days pay in the process. Molly, on the other hand, was having a wonderful time ripping down the scenery in excitement as Penelope and Germalina got it on together. The poor Naughty Nighties were having to dodge the debris that Molly was pulling down and were now beginning to regret their decision of chasing them in the first place. The now naked moth was so traumatised she began to munch on anything and anyone. By the end of the ride she had eaten the whole of The Naughty Nighties except Morag who refused point blank to be eaten.
  Finally, the carriages emerged with a lot less folk coming out that went in. The moth had to be airlifted out of her seat while still munching on what was left of a gang member. She had a wild look about her. Molly ran to the nearest doughnut stand and ordered a family sized box while Penelope and Germalina sauntered off into the woods. Morag went home to write a poison pen letter to her teacher, and  the moth had to have her stomach pumped. When the gang emerged they were very angry indeed and refused to speak to her again.
Later that night Molly sat on the edge of her bed and stretched. ‘What an eventful day,’ she said to herself. ‘I have never had so much fun.’ She placed her nightcap on her head, pulled back her blankets and slipped into bed. Soon she was fast asleep and snoring her head off, oblivious to anything and anyone.
Night night Molly Mushroom. Sleep tight.
Under no circumstances did cannibalism occur in this story. The gang members who were eaten consisted of two ladybirds, a tick and a flea. They are now leading separate lives after realising they have the ability to think and act for themselves. Kylie Minogue is currently signing on after being sacked from another stint at scaring people at a rival fairground. Molly was given community service for destroying the ghost train and Morag’s teacher fled in fear of her past being found out. Morag is considered armed and dangerous and strolls the woods trying to start another infamous gang as notorious as The Naughty Nighties. There is a ten penny reward for Morag’s capture.
The End
I mean what a load of rubbish. Anyway, I have only had time to answer one problem this week and it comes from the blushing new bride, Daniella.
 Dear Molly, I have a problem that I find really annoying and embarrassing and I was wondering if you could help me. The problem is that I get embarrassed very easily and when this happens I go very red in the face. The more I feel I am getting redder the worse it gets. Generally I am a confident and happy person who has a good job, recently married and two children, but I can’t seem to control this thing that happens to me. Please help! Daniella, Oxfordshire.
Hi there Daniella, well, well, well, what an embarrassing problem you have here and one that I emphasis with as I can sometimes go so red, and with the shape of my head, I look just like a cherry. Anyway, back to you. Do you get so red that you also resemble a piece of ripe fruit or a haemorrhoid? Depending on the shape of your head what would you say you looked like most? A strawberry? A plum? A bunch of grapes?
It can be very embarrassing to go red in front of others but what I say to myself is ‘fuck it’. I would say that blushing easily is something that you have to accept and generally, in time, calms down. However, if it doesn’t maybe you might have to think about what causes the blushing and why it happens so often to you. Is there a part of you that you want to keep hidden from the world, however trivial it may seem?  When secrets or things you would rather keep to yourself are ‘found out’  it can seem a big deal and this can cause embarrassment. Then when you start feeling yourself go red you try and cover it up and laugh it off but then go redder still. Vicious circle! Another reason is that you could be so passionate about something but no one else is taking it seriously. You feel hurt and humiliated.
I think it is endearing and shows a lovely quality to your nature (unless you are a filthy, dirty liar that tries to get away with murder).
To be honest I believe that what you need to do it accept that this happens to you, have belief in yourself that it will calm down in time, give a big V’s up to people who don’t take you seriously or take the piss out of you for being so passionate, and rejoice in the fact that blood is pumping merrily through your veins to allow you to blush in the first place (unless you have really high blood pressure. If so, go to your GP asap!) With love, Molly X
‘I'm always amazed that people take what I say seriously. I don't even take what I am seriously.’ David Bowie

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

10. Dear all and welcome to Ask Molly Mushroom. Firstly I want to apologise for last week’s entry. I was completely off my face and clean forgot to edit the blog before it was sent out. However I did mean what I said about receiving a load of old shit. Honestly, some of the things you write to me about are … (Molly – remember our meeting and what I said about a fine thread!!!)

Some of you might have seen a message I put on my other social sites that commented on the actions of the extremist group, ISIS. I am very much into spreading the positive word and expressing myself in a peaceful and loving way but unfortunately I lost it when I saw a young man being thrown from a rooftop for being homosexual. That and the woman being flogged to a round of applause from the spectators for being in love brought tears to my eyes. My reaction to these abominable actions from these so called human beings was so strong and fierce I felt myself wanting to go over and do the same to them. I believe the more hate or fight you give out the more the universe will absorb it so I try and give out positive vibes to such dreadful crimes. (Other times I am a complete cow!)

This week I received a lot of emails and sadly I will not be able to respond to all of them. As you know my concentration span is not great at the best of times and I find sitting down difficult at the moment due to my… (Molly!)

Dear Molly, do you have any resolutions? Janine

Dear Janine, thank you for your email. Yes I have made resolutions for the new year and am hoping I will be able to keep all two hundred and six of them. Here are but a few:

Be nicer to my friends, learn alien, become a professional wrestler, get fat and take part in the programme Secret Eaters, fly a helicopter over Pond Willy-Warmer, learn how to sing through my bottom, be invited to the Whitehouse and paint it green, do the cancan in J.Lo’s bra whilst she attends a premier, sing God Save the Queen to extremists, stop getting pissed and stealing knickers off the neighbours clothes-lines, stop being flushed down the loo, write a hymn that contains only swear words, take selfies with really ugly people in the background, name my cutlery, eat my weight in mud, clone my spores to make a mini army of Molly’s, shave Mrs Mushroom’s hair off and use it as a raft, climb the tallest tree and use my dress as a parachute, save money, sell my sister to the local circus, and finally just be generally good and keep out of trouble.

My friend, Germalina the Germ, has made a few New Year’s resolution too if you are at all interested. They consist of having her photo taken in ten unusual places. So far she has had her photo taken sitting on the edge of Ken Dodd’s bath with Justin Beiber, while he (Ken) soaped himself up into a right lather, a selfie up Simon Cowell’s arse and a photograph of herself swinging from a lock of Kylie Minogue’s merkin that she had forgotten to detach after one of her ‘shows’. She has also resolved to give gonorrhoea to at least five people a day and learn how to cross-stitch. But who gives a flying fuck what she gets up to, the weirdo!

With love and kisses, Molly X

 Molly, I am sixteen and I think I am a lesbian. What do I do? Confused.

Hi there, Confused. If you hadn’t signed off like you did my response would have been, ‘that’s nice, dear.’ But considering you put your age, and the word confusion came into the equation, I feel that you might be going through a period of, well let’s say – confusion. You are finding your sexuality forming a strong bond with your hormones and you want to know which way to turn. By saying ‘lesbian’ suggests to me that you are mostly interested in the same sex as yourself. By stating that you want an answer suggests to me that you have some kind of negative feelings towards this. Am I correct? If this is so then what is it or are they? Are you worried that you will not be accepted by friends or that your family will disown you? You have not stated if you come from a religious family or what culture you are. Unfortunately, due to some religious beliefs (I can name many), homosexuality can still, sadly, be seen as bad. Let me tell you this, whatever your faith or culture, whether you are a lesbian or not, you are one hundred per cent amazing and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If you are a lesbian then bloody well enjoy it (safely). Your sexuality is only a part of what makes you whole. You have so many other parts that make up you - how wonderful is that? Life is difficult enough without the bullshit of you experiencing any kind of negativity towards who you either choose or are born to prefer. This includes giving yourself a hard time. Don’t do it! If you need help with either coming out or coming to terms with your sexuality then there are many organisations and charities that do just that. Use the internet to research places in your local area.

One day people will be born, love who they want to without fear of rejection or hate crime, and live a life that should already be alive and kicking in this so called ‘modern’ world.

I wish you all the best, Confused, and never be anyone else except yourself. Love Molly X