
I do hope this helps, Jenny, and look forward to seeing an improvement soon. Molly X.
Hi Molly, How are you? Could you please help me with choosing an outfit for my son’s wedding in April. I am sixty three years old and forty nine stone. Thank you, Emily Bishop.
Good day to you fine
people and welcome to Molly Mushroom’s Ask Molly Mushroom. I am dedicating this
week’s post to fashion and beauty. I get a lot of emails asking about where I
buy my dresses and get my hair done so I thought I would share it with you. I
have already posted my beauty regime on an earlier blog but have now decided to
explain how to look great like I do. It is not so easy as I make it look so
with a few Molly tricks of the trade and help from my stylists and hair
technician you can look as good as me. I
will give you the information and how to transform even the plainest of people.
Water, water and more water
plus sleep and laughter are my tricks of the trade so let’s get on with some of
your questions
One of the things I am most
likely to be asked is how should one apply false eyelashes. If I had a penny
for every time I was asked that I would be one rich spore. The trick is to use
either fresh false eyelashes or old ones that are thoroughly clean. My old gran
used to leave hers overnight in a glass with her false teeth. Nowadays there
are easier solutions to use such as toilet bleach or by putting them in a
freezer overnight. If you do not have any false eyelashes and you are wanting
to dazzle, dare I recommend twigs as a substitute? Controversial I know but
they really do work. Simply cut the twig to size, get some super glue and stick
it to your upper and lower lids.
Top tip: If you find it
tricky applying false eyelashes simply place them curl facing down on your
dressing table, apply glue to the edges, open your eyes as wide as you can and
lower you face onto them. This is great if you are in a rush or don’t have
Dear Molly Mushroom. I am a
very plain girl with slightly rancid eyes and a pot belly. I was wondering if
you have any tricks to open my eyes up and to apply my make up properly. Thank
you, Jenny.
Hi Jenny, I am going to give
you a step by step guide on how to apply makeup so that you do not look the way
you do. Please see below with my plain model, Katie.
I hope it helps.
What you can see here is
that I swept the blusher over the cheekbones and applied a dark brown to
enhance the pallor of the skin tone. This is great for both the daytime and
evening wear and you can always apply more! I subtly enhanced the eyebrows to
give shape to Katie’s rather unfortunate face and blended in so they give a natural
effect. We did not have any false eyelashes to hand so what I cleverly used
instead was an eyeliner pen. If you look closely you can just about see that I
have cleverly drawn them on. For the mouth I used PVA glue and orange poster
paint which I carefully applied around the lips to give a fuller look. Please take a look at the before and after photo's and see how I have turned a rather 'Plain Jane' into something a bit special.

I do hope this helps, Jenny, and look forward to seeing an improvement soon. Molly X.
Hi Molly, How are you? Could you please help me with choosing an outfit for my son’s wedding in April. I am sixty three years old and forty nine stone. Thank you, Emily Bishop.
Dear Emily, Thank you for
your photograph. I am pleased to say that your body resembles a cauliflower. In
general what I think would look great on you would be some classic horizontal
stripes in plum or lime green and a turban. Due to the size of your head, which
is disproportionate to the rest of you, I suggest backcomb, backcomb, backcomb hair
all the way leaving no clue that you have a pinhead. However, I do see that
your hair is rather fine so a good wig or some straw should sort that out.
Dress it up with a tiara or some tinsel, really go for it! You want to look
your best for your son’s wedding so I have used Katie to model again in a
fetching yet understated outfit in satin pink to give you some inspiration. I
also found a wig in a joke shop that I backcombed, hair sprayed and set but if
you have your own feel free to spruce it up any which way you like.
I personally
added a brown band around the head which I think looks nice. For the dress
itself I recommend some extra small tights to hold in your wobble and a new
body underneath the dress for that wow factor. Does this help, Emily? I do hope
the person going as you enjoys their day and brings you back some nibbles, with
love Molly X.
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